By MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain - 30/03/2016 05:24 - Canada - Guelph

Today, I discovered that my Dad's family very much supports Donald Trump. They tried to convince me to support his campaign by donating money. We're not even American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 116
You deserved it 2 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least they'll know his true colors when they end up behind the wall after his election.


Well at least they'll know his true colors when they end up behind the wall after his election.

FalloutScrolls 25

He's gonna build a wall. The tallest wall. The best wall. It's gonna be great. It's gonna be huge. You're gonna love it.

I still don't get why people see greatness in trump...

fangirlofthings 21

Hitler was great, terrible, horrible and awful, but great. And Trump is saying the same things Hitler started with.

Iris_River 15

So are you saying you support Hitler?

shepardkinz 19

OP, I am so sorry for you. That is true embarrassment of your family.

I understand you OP, I told my non American mother that if she's going to be blinded by Trump then she should send me off to live with my cousins in London.

I understand why you don't like Trump, but calling him "Donald Drumpf" is just stooping to his level of bullying. Just sayin'...

If you watched the John Oliver show, you would know that Drumpf is his family's original name and that they changed it to Trump.

I don't like John Oliver for many reasons I won't state. I will add that the thumbs down don't matter to me. I have my opinion; you have yours. Bullying him just gives him more power and I know that the liberals don't want that.

I picture him flipping out and tryna block the sun Mr Burns styles