Shut up

By SoundConfuser - 13/10/2010 11:58 - Australia

Today, after spending the three previous nights cursing the noisiest bird alive that continually disrupts my sleep to the point where I just want to smash the damn thing's head in with a rock, I realised it's been my pedestal fan the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 462
You deserved it 32 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha.. did you also spend a month cussing that huge truck that clunks by every time you turn your washing machine on?

stewpididiot 11


no super fail is worse than a regular failure my friend, you have much to learn..

Chaodin 0

6: No, Superfail is stronger than ten fails! Can fly through the air and fart lightning! Can read long Prousts in a single sitting! How could you confuse the two?

Idiot. How can a fan sound like a bird?

It was probably squeaking as it was oscillating.

Squeaking = bird chirping? I fail to make the connection.

stewpididiot 11

hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabababa #26=superwin

redpump- you certainly do fail. Hey, you said it, not me!

22cute 17

Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep Get it?

markrs 0

Let me guess, and you only hear this bird when you turn tue fan on?

Randen_fml 0

glad you Finnaly figured it out though :).

here let me help you(caresses face)* (grabs cart)* i am only helping snickerssszzz

haha.. did you also spend a month cussing that huge truck that clunks by every time you turn your washing machine on?

HAHA idiot. How can you mistake a fan for a bird? Lol.