By GLX - 02/08/2017 06:00 - United States - Sand Springs

Today, I woke up to the rickety old ceiling fan above my bed crashing down on top of me. I'm fine, however I am now grounded until I can buy a new ceiling fan to replace the one I "broke". FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 991
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just like any celebrity, you have to make sacrifices for your fans, even when they attack you.

How is it your fault you broke it?? FYL indeed, OP..


How is it your fault you broke it?? FYL indeed, OP..

I like how you ask how it's OP's fault, and then follow that up with saying "you broke it". That would imply that OP had something to do with it breaking.

Thank you for unneccessarily stating the obvious.

ohsnapword 21

There's no need to argue, parents just don't understand.

Havinci 19

Seems like your parents aren't the sharpest tools in the shed

They're just lookin' kind of dumb, with their fingers and their thumbs in the shape of some L's on their foreheads.

Just like any celebrity, you have to make sacrifices for your fans, even when they attack you.

HalfLit 17

Someday you'll be out of their house and you'll never have to deal with your parents tyranny ever again. Sorry you gottah put up with it now though... That's seriously unfair.

Of course it's your fault! You should've known that sleeping under the fan would break it! What else did you expect to happen when your bed is located below the fan? ...FYL.

Lobby_Bee 17

Your fault cause you're suppose to super glue it back onto the ceiling before anyone noticed.

Come on, everybody knows what teenage boys do in their rooms, and that's what is responsible for 87.5% of all ceiling fan damage.

I thought that was what caused 92% of all broken beds, but I'll take your word on it breaking fans, too.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Stand your ground and refuse the abide by an unjust punishment.

Right... you're completely innocent, that just fell on its own... right... And the sound of your parents headboard banging on the wall wasn't them having sex either....