By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 02:43 - United States - Canyon

Today, my boyfriend decided it was time to spice up our sex life. He now watches Sons Of Anarchy when we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 229
You deserved it 6 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Watching Sons of Anarchy while making Sons, possibly of Anarchy. Interesting.

So he needs to watch hairy bikers to get off? Maybe there are some questions that have to be asked?


I love SOA but it'd be too distracting during sex lol My man and I used to have Top Gear playing in the background when we had sex. We were kind of upset when we had gone through all the seasons lol

SOA is a good show I have to admit but it has after the last episode you could always find something else or he could (and should) focus on you

FMLworthy5000 21

If that doesn't spice it up, I don't know what will

Jessj958 19

You could just look at all the hot guys on that show, then he'd probably get a little pissed and turn it off. Get really into it and keep saying stuff about them lol.

Just an FYI, if your guy has to turn on a tv show while you have sex to keep himself're terrible in bed. As in AWFUL.

sounds like you need to have a sit down discussion about expectations.