Rules are meant to be broken

By hospitalflunky - 28/03/2009 06:35 - United States

Today, I got an email from a professor saying he was going to fail me for missing the allotted absences, which is school policy. I pointed out I was in the hospital for two weeks with a life threatening illness and that he even came to visit me. He told me, "Rules are rules." FML
I agree, your life sucks 155 250
You deserved it 7 389

Same thing different taste

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I've had similar issues (I miss a lot of class due to illness as well). Go to the dean of students or if your school has a Student Disability Center or something. Rules may be rules but you cannot penalize a student for something that's beyond their control, it's illegal.

Have you tried talking to the dean of students? If anything, you could try to get the class marked as incomplete or dropped (or stricken from the record entirely).


Have you tried talking to the dean of students? If anything, you could try to get the class marked as incomplete or dropped (or stricken from the record entirely).

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At my school we just call it the DS. You know Deep Shit, Dick Shovel, Dick Shit. You know, the works.

akpeterson7765 6

Yes and no. 2 weeks isn't enough to fail a class. They will find some way to make it ul

I've had similar issues (I miss a lot of class due to illness as well). Go to the dean of students or if your school has a Student Disability Center or something. Rules may be rules but you cannot penalize a student for something that's beyond their control, it's illegal.

Exactly. Now I don't have to say all that's rights mumbojumbo.

that's should go to the dean of students, that's completely unfair.

harvest_jess 0

What a douche bag. I've had a professor like that.

BamxBitch 0

Yeah, that's definitely FYL. What a douche.

Boobs... College professors are all boobs.

massivebox 0

don't worry dude i'm sure you'll be able to sort things out. think positive!

TryToBeKind 0

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you ******* ****. OP had a FATAL ILLNESS. that means THEY COULD HAVE DIED. I'm guessing you couldn't figure that out since you adress homework as a plural. it's not much to ask to be excused from class if you're DYING. how bout you crawl out of your hole and spend some time around other people, snatch.

hunternicole14 7

Are you serious? Way to be a ****** douchebag, like she said this person was dying! Wth is wrong you, you inconsiderate bitch

Wow what a sarcastic asshole. Get your head out of your ass, teachers don't always have to be unfair my professor always tells me that the only excuse we have for missing class is if we are dying and in this case op had a fatal illness so technically this excuse is reasonable in my opinion she or he should be able to atleast make up the work they missed.

I call fake. Maybe my school is just way more lenient than the OP's, but our classes only have an allotted number of unexcused absences. As long as we can produce a doctor's note or something the absence doesn't count against us.