By gothicvamp93 - 04/01/2015 06:46 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, my boss called and yelled at me because he said I was "spotted" out after I called off sick. I was out getting the medicine the doctor had just prescribed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 161
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only is your boss an idiot for jumping to conclusions, but whoever "spotted" you needs to mind their own business and get their facts straight.

You should go into work and get him sick


what a dumb ass ... I hate people who don't use common sense...

Not to mention the asshole tattling brown-nosing coworker that needs to mind their own business!

You should go into work and get him sick

Or just show him the medicine receipt. Most receipts have a date and time on it. Can't get a better evidence than that :-)

YeaSo3 14

Honestly Op shouldn't even have to do's not any of his business what OP Was Doing out..That Sick day was theirs to use its their leave ..and op is entitled to handle business while out of work regardless of what it is for medicine or w/e

Sneeze in his face. Or mouth if you feel bold.

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No, she doesn't deserve it, and you apparently dont understand.

Did you mean to say there aren't any "you deserved it" votes yet? If not, I have no idea what you just said.

How is she supposed to get well if she doesn't get the medicine the doctor prescribed? Why does she deserved to be yelled at for doing this completely necessary thing?

addisonrose12 16

I think this post was just poorly written. I believe they meant there are no "ydi" votes yet. Which has obviously changed now though. :/

"But boss, I'm really am sick.. ..of working for your stupid ass." But I wouldn't tell HIM that.

God forbid you take your prescription!

Just tell your boss that. If he has problems trusting you, then that's another case to discuss. c:

happysmile987 24

Yeah, if he doesn't believe you then show him the prescription.

It should have the date you got it and time. Well that is what is usually on my prescription bottles in the past.

Honestly I've never understood getting in trouble, for calling in sick from work. They get mad if you call in but also get mad if you are coughing and hacking at work. Sure you should be resting at home but its one thing to work 8 hours at a stressful job, its another if you really need to go out for medicine or food to help you get better.

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Not only is your boss an idiot for jumping to conclusions, but whoever "spotted" you needs to mind their own business and get their facts straight.

HighasaCloud 46

So your boss doesn't have private investigators tailing you? You are so lucky

xKrisSmoove 21

Not trying to be a jerk, but this reminds of another FML that had "I was pretending to be sick and went to the mall where my boss saw me" The top comment posted say you were getting medications as an excuse.