Cruel world

By where’s the humanity? - 21/02/2022 03:00 - United States

Today, I tried to explain to my professor why I’d missed two classes. Even with a doctor’s note explaining my very serious health issues, she rolled her eyes and huffed, "Maybe if you’re ‘oh so sick,’ you should just drop out!” Gee, sorry for trying to improve my life through adversity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 070
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gairas 8

Report her. Simple as that, she doesn’t want to be professional and do her job she doesn’t deserve it.

I believe a visit to the Dean is in order. Seriously, you've got to report her pompous arrogant ass.


Gairas 8

Report her. Simple as that, she doesn’t want to be professional and do her job she doesn’t deserve it.

I believe a visit to the Dean is in order. Seriously, you've got to report her pompous arrogant ass.

tell her "no, no, I don't got time for that. Now lets get this show on the road!"

FakeFriendMagnet 1

That is extremely ableist and unprofessional. You should absolutely report her.