By Tise81 - 22/06/2019 14:00 - Netherlands - Drachten

Today, my 18-year-old son got his first tattoo. I would have loved it, if it wasn't a text on his hand with a glaring spelling mistake in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 584
You deserved it 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

Take comfort in knowing it’ll fade more quickly than a tattoo somewhere else. With hands washing and general use, hand tattoos get faded.


julfunky 29

Take comfort in knowing it’ll fade more quickly than a tattoo somewhere else. With hands washing and general use, hand tattoos get faded.

I guess he has regerts now. The best place to go for tattoo repair is Chi-tonw. Hopefully, the misspelling will become accepted alternatives like “thru” and “light” and “libary” and “Febuary.”

It’s supposed to be “lite,” duh!😂😂😂

Az lon az the tatoo is in gud tast, i rely dont se a problim wif won grammer mistak.

You would if you wanted a tattoo that said "I love ducks", and got one that said "I love dicks".

So what was misspelled. And, maybe it was that way for a reason? At least I hope it was...