Poor old Raymond…

By LJ. - 13/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my mother finally had her beloved Siamese cat cremated. The cat has been dead for over a week and she has been keeping it on her bed, stroking its fur and saying, "She looks like she's sleeping" and "She's so cold." To top it all off, she's been calling me by the cat's name for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 428
You deserved it 4 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww. I remember moderating this one, I pressed yes to see what people would comment. Lol, that's soooo creepy.


ramonajay 0

awesome awesome awesome fml ahahhahahhaha sorry for you but good story!! oh man

Wow... Something is wrong with you mom...

laurenbabyy 0

ahahahaha oh my god.... get her to a therapist. immediately. she's crazy as hell.

omg that's so disgusting i am so sorry for you. yeah something is definitely wrong with your mom... i mean i understand and all that she loved it so much, but that's taking it overboard. i agree with laurenbabyy... get her to a shrink and fast it's not right that she's calling you by the cat's name. it's like jeez, did she love the cat more than she loves you? that's just repulsive.

wrestler_fml 0

Refer your mom to the following movie(s): Psycho The Shining

#21 is crazy... Seriously people, learn to live, love and let go.

abcdefgh_fml 0

OMG that is crazy if i were you i would get my mother help right away! AHH that creeps me out!

sh1tshow 0

That's not even funny, it's just disturbing. Not an FML. More like the upcoming sequel to Psycho.

The_Big_Guy 0

EWWW, kinda reminds me of the chick from Misery or something. Or when Dwight froze Angela's cat on the Office. Or on family guy when Peter's fish died and he kept feeding it!!