Alas, poor Tiddles

By SonOfACatKiller - 19/09/2019 08:00 - United States - Juno

Today, my mom asked me to pull out the load of laundry she'd stuck in the dryer. Instead of clothes, I pulled out my dead cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 608
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silvermoon5033 26

Oh no! Poor kitty :( So sorry OP

Wadlaen 23

So, did your mom kill it, and was it an attempt to send you a message of some sort..? I'm a bit confused, since I don't know the story behind this...😕 But, my deepest condolences, OP!


silvermoon5033 26

Oh no! Poor kitty :( So sorry OP

Wadlaen 23

So, did your mom kill it, and was it an attempt to send you a message of some sort..? I'm a bit confused, since I don't know the story behind this...😕 But, my deepest condolences, OP!

I'll bet Fluffy is extra fluffy now. Did your taxidermist recommend tumble drying?

avatar2018 4

This was funny when I saw that comedy show too

This isn’t an uncommon occurrence. Cats LOVE to sleep in dryers. When I worked at a shelter, we had two close calls and one...well...passed close.

Who the heck is laughing about this??? That’s terrible, OP. I’m sorry 😔

I’m deeply sorry for you OP this must have been horrible for you....

I feel your pain. My niece put my cat in the dryer and instead of feeling bad for it she told me "if you dont help me I wont stop talking about your cat dying" she was 8.