Poor old Raymond…

By LJ. - 13/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my mother finally had her beloved Siamese cat cremated. The cat has been dead for over a week and she has been keeping it on her bed, stroking its fur and saying, "She looks like she's sleeping" and "She's so cold." To top it all off, she's been calling me by the cat's name for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 428
You deserved it 4 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww. I remember moderating this one, I pressed yes to see what people would comment. Lol, that's soooo creepy.


Reminds me of "A Rose for Emily" by Faulkner. So endearing.

I don't really see a lot of FYL in this. It's sad for your mother. She obviously loved the cat, and I feel sorry for her. You should try a little sympathy.

love4animals 0

my heart goes out to your mother. it sucks to loose someone you love. but seriously? keeping its dead body on the bed and petting it? dead animals start to stink after a while. this is all really disturbing. im sorry.

#28: I don't think it is that weird. My favorite rat died a few weeks ago. I keep him wrapped up well in my deep freeze. I should probably go out and bury him this weekend... but it hard to let him go. I loved him very much and he died very suddenly in my arms.

My mouth just dropped open. That is creepy as HELL.

jennaleighhh 0

...obviously not real but this is HYSTERICAL and #76, nothing is wrong with that, alot of people actually freeze their dead pets till they are ready to let go or have the actual time for a proper burial...but leaving it in your bed in the heat is a whole different story

"she's so cold"...hahahahah oh my god. SIIICCKKK!!

ToastedOats 0

That's pretty freaking hilarious. You should MEOW at your mom. Say you're really cold and sleep on her bed... Your mom is pretty crazy!