By reject - 21/01/2011 23:02 - United Kingdom

Today, when taking a group picture with my closest friends, a passing parent congratulated us on getting into the same university for next year. She's wrong. They're all going to Cambridge, except for me. I was rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 075
You deserved it 5 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It's no disgrace to be rejected from Cambridge, that is, if you are talking about the world-class university. If you are talking about the Cambridge School of Dental Floss Recycling, then, yeah, FYL you are an idiot.

That sucks. But it's also an opportunity to make new friends. And if you really want to you can keep in touch with your current friends. It'll take some effort, but it's possible. As for Cambridge; I don't know why you got rejected, but if your grades weren't good enough then well.. it's not for everybody.


Well at least you have friends! for now...

Acousticpixie14 6

Sucks to be OP sure, but it's all OP's fault. Maybe he should have worked a little harder in school to get accepted.

Yes, because it takes a little hard work to get accepted at Cambridge..

That's a harsh accusation to make, OP may have tried really hard to get through because Cambridge is a very hard university to get into.

justnbieber 0

i hate that; being left out :( sorry OP

talktomandybaby 8

and thats not miley cyrus..its katy perry!!

Acousticpixie14 6

Wow leave the poor girl alone. So she has a different taste in music than you, so what?

sorry 47 but your wrong too it's not Katy perry, her name is Jayma Mays, she's been in such things as Paul Blart, Heros and a few other things

Nope. Definitely Perry. Looks like a still from her video for Firework. Plus, the eyes aren't buggy enough to be Jayma's.

Well that's definitely not a confidence booster. I'm sorry OP

That sucks. But it's also an opportunity to make new friends. And if you really want to you can keep in touch with your current friends. It'll take some effort, but it's possible. As for Cambridge; I don't know why you got rejected, but if your grades weren't good enough then well.. it's not for everybody.

TheDrifter 23

Or the student loan officer laughed themselves sick when they saw what op needed to borrow for tuition.

Except if she's been rejected already it means she applied this cycle (2011-2012), in which the higher fees don't apply. Bad luck OP, Oxford is better anyway...

If we all got to be astronauts and scientists there would be no one to sell us taco bell on the way home!

Step 1: Put your exact question in quotation marks. - Side note: Quotation marks are these things: "" Step 2: Go to Step 3: Put the question in the search bar Step 4: Hit the 'Google search' button Step 5: Click on the third link Step 6: Please kill yourself

KVKdragon 26

idk why everyone's being a jerk about this. OP means original poster.

Everyone is a jerk about this because google will give you the answer in less than 5 seconds. Which means that everyone who asks that question is just a lazy ****.

spanelli 16

27- Unless their computer is really slow. In which case, it would still be easier to Google it. Just saying... I still prefer OP to stand for Optimus Prime. :)

Acousticpixie14 6

No to mention how easy it is to figure out on your own. Read the context of the statements that contain "OP," "YDI," or "FYL" and it's pretty simple to determine what they mean. I certainly never had to ask anyone or Google anything. Even if you can't figure out EXACTLY what it means, you should be able to get the jist of it fairly easy

You never had to Google anything? Are you a wizard?

fthku 13

Oh yeah, it's a well known fact that if you wanted to know anything before Google was made, you had to be a wizard. Sarcasm aside, I'm sure that's not what she meant.

I was rejected first time, but went a year later. Try again!