Poor old Raymond…

By LJ. - 13/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my mother finally had her beloved Siamese cat cremated. The cat has been dead for over a week and she has been keeping it on her bed, stroking its fur and saying, "She looks like she's sleeping" and "She's so cold." To top it all off, she's been calling me by the cat's name for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 428
You deserved it 4 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww. I remember moderating this one, I pressed yes to see what people would comment. Lol, that's soooo creepy.


RHK_fml 0

Damn. Your mom is a whackjob.

I mean, I love my cat as much as the next person...but that is odd!

Your mom should be in an institution, not only is that completely crazy and creepy, it's also totally unhygienic.

I have worked at the spca and you can be surprised by what the elderly people do and those with hording mental issues can do. The very worst of it, these people become attached to the animal and cannot accept its death. Some people freeze the animal for prolong period of time, as well. This isn't nothing new, and yeah, I agree perhaps you should let your mother move in with you that way she'll have someone to be with and not become attached to these animals. Also, you could get a new cat, and usually that helps.

so my mom totally kept our dog in a freezer. when it died, bc i went to college. i find it very creepy. also the whole name thing, my mom calls me the cats name all the time. i totally understand where u are coming from. parents are extremely weird when it comes to pets. i think your mom might be a little more weird, bc its a cat, and u know cat ppl are a little out there.

That made me laugh so hard, especially your mother's comments..but that is a little disturbing! I'm sorry about your cat.

your mother has a serious problem, you should get her checked out.

Get her some help. That is not the behavior of a mentally healthy individual.