By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a really bratty little girl. She came and cuddled up on the couch so I took it as an apology. I feel asleep while she was sitting with me and when I woke up she had peed on me. She locked herself in her room and was laughing about peeing on me for discipling her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 720
You deserved it 7 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems to me that for some babysitters it's okay to fall asleep when they are suppose to watch over kids.. When they are paid for watching over the kids... And then come and complain if something wrong or just stupid happen.. YDI, and you should be grateful that nothing worse happened.


cptnfrankie 0

god.. that's just straight up NASTY.

Seems to me that for some babysitters it's okay to fall asleep when they are suppose to watch over kids.. When they are paid for watching over the kids... And then come and complain if something wrong or just stupid happen.. YDI, and you should be grateful that nothing worse happened.

totally agree... the only time I've ever fallen asleep while babysitting is when I was supposed to spend the night at the families house since the parents were going to be gone until 4:30am, and they told me it was okay to go to sleep around 2ish

lightyoruichi 0

Agree with #3. You failed on your job. Hope you don't do it regularly.

KwitIt 0

I agree with #3 100%, but I'd also like to say that what that little girl did was TOTALLY not ok. So, I guess both of you should be punished. :D

crownme 0

That little b!tch I would've broke the door down && tried to killed her :). . .that's just nasty && disrespectful

YDI for falling asleep on the job. Honestly, what the hell is wrong with people? Babysitting is no different than any other job except for it being easier. You get paid to do a job, so you better do it.