Not cool

By no I've never asked for anal - 20/09/2015 13:44 - United States - Buffalo

Today, after weeks of my girlfriend constantly mentioning pegging and asking me to let her do it, I caved and figured I might as well stand by my "try anything once" rule. Her response? Saying she knew I was gay all along and dumping me. The fuck? FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 037
You deserved it 3 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twisted_Killjoy 23

For those who don't know, pegging is the act of reversing anal sex to where the female wears a strap on and ***** the guys ass.

A woman humping a man with a strap-on. Apparently it means that man is gay because a woman wearing a synthetic device to stimulate his prostate and cause him pleasure is absolutely the same as him fancying people of the same gender. Not sure why, possibly magic.


I think its really unfortunate because it puts you off from ever considering pegging again, when in all actuality it's lots of fun. Let us hope that her next boyfriend dumps her and calls her a lesbian.

Something like this seems gay to people but really, if a guy is straight and is into prostate stimulation then it shouldn't be a problem

Yeah cause a dude who wants to experiment and try new stuff is totally gay. Pfft. Please, pegging (or anything up the butt) can hit the dudes prostate and bring so much pleasure (or so I'm told) and as a girl wielding a strap on is pretty fun too. Down with assholes like her making dudes feel bad for experimenting.

It was her that wanted to try though and he eventually agreed.

Yes but when he did agree she immediately shamed him for it which is a dick move and perpetuates the myth that prostate stimulation = gay.

It makes about as much sense as saying a woman who enjoys receiving anal sex is secretly a gay man.

gilligan_isle 6

I love the try anything once rule, it creates so many new experiences and stories. I'm sure karma will have a way of returning the favor and biting her in the ass

If it makes a difference OP, I think that's very admirable of you to decide to give it a try and that your ex is quite horrible for a number of reasons. You're absolutely better off without her.

kwerner7116 14

is pegging what I think it is? if so.... she planned it all along, what woman wants to do that to a man?

Women who like to be dominant for example. Or women whose partners like some prostate stimulation; there are a lot of reasons for trying it out at least. You wouldn't believe how many straight couples I've sold strap-ons to already.

They most likely want to do it for the same reason that a man would want to do that to a man. That's probably the extent to which it's gay. Fortunately for their partners, some straight men and women are sufficiently lacking in petty prejudices and insecurities to find that no big deal.

I do it to my husband all the time. As have other women.

I actually want to.. and it sucks cause my boyfriend told me a few weeks ago that he thinks its "******* weird and gross"... He still doesn't know that I want to try it.. But I want to try it for two reasons: domination, and, while I don't consider myself transgender, I've always kind of wanted to be male rather than female, and I just want to know what it's like to be on the other end of things (no pun intended)

Whenever I read the word pegging, I automatically think of the game Peggle. Makes it kind of strange.

to bad you didn't peg Her for the bitch she is when you met her

That awkward moment when you didn't have to Google it to know exactly what pegging was. It wasn't awkward until almost half the comments said "I had to Google it"

I'd googled it way before it was even vaguely relevant to me because I'd heard the wikipedia illustration for it was hilarious. I wasn't disappointed. I owe everything I know about slightly non-vanilla sex practices to those wikipedia illustrations.

my gf had to look it up, i said "who doesn't know what pegging is" and then she showed me all the comments.... ive known what it was since i was like 16... and now i feel like a perv.......

I didn't know what it was, but I could figure it out through the FML. I always try to avoid googling anything sexual that I don't know.

Asking that she wanted to leave you...just wanted a rumour to spread as well

elizacandle 29

if she has that damned attitude you're waaay better off