Not cool

By no I've never asked for anal - 20/09/2015 13:44 - United States - Buffalo

Today, after weeks of my girlfriend constantly mentioning pegging and asking me to let her do it, I caved and figured I might as well stand by my "try anything once" rule. Her response? Saying she knew I was gay all along and dumping me. The fuck? FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 037
You deserved it 3 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twisted_Killjoy 23

For those who don't know, pegging is the act of reversing anal sex to where the female wears a strap on and ***** the guys ass.

A woman humping a man with a strap-on. Apparently it means that man is gay because a woman wearing a synthetic device to stimulate his prostate and cause him pleasure is absolutely the same as him fancying people of the same gender. Not sure why, possibly magic.


By that logic if a girl has a guy go down on them are they secretly a lesbian?

fromtxnotcowboy 12

No they would have to eat a girl out to be the same equivalent as getting pegged.

I'm sorry op! That's horrible! Pegging is fun btw

5280420 13

Take some dick bro. Chicks ain't worth the stress.

healthcarechick 9

Sounds like she was cray cray!!!!! **** that bitch!!!! Karma will get her sooner or later! (Hopefully sooner!)

I've been trying to convince my bf to do this for months he won't cave :/

What a bitch. That sucks OP, I'm sorry. You're probably better off without her though.

In a way, this was a good thing because it revealed how truly ignorant and sneaky she is. You dodged a bullet and deserve better!

saffy66 34

I must be old. I've never heard of this term for it...

Badkarma4u 17

Nah its a new term for an old act. Raquel Welch called it "balling" wheb she did it in a movie back in the late 60s early 70s I doubt half of the people that do it call it that. Some guy just made up that term a few years ago on his talk show and it stuck.