Noped outta there

By SmileEveryday - 17/03/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my friend to the school dance, which is one where the girls ask the guys. I spent hours placing signs down his street so he would see them on his way home. As I was waiting in his driveway with balloons, I saw his car reverse and go in the opposite direction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 043
You deserved it 20 405

Same thing different taste


it sounds like your a stalker and he wanted to put his car in the garage before you knew he was home. this one is really funny, how long were you standing in his driveway and what was with the balloons.

Well we know who, judging from the comments, are the boring boyfriend and girlfriends who probably don't do anything special for their significant others. And it's really hard to call you creepy since that we don't know what your friendship with this guy is like. Sucks you got turned down though

#22 is my hero. Sadie Hawkins Dance. My school did one of those this year. All the girls in the bathroom talkin' Who they gonna take to the Sadie Hawkins My ears are burnin' but I kept on walkin' Smile on my face, with the air guitar rockin' The Sadie Hawkins Dance In my kaki pants There's nothin' better oh oh oh The girls ask the guys It's always a surprise There's nothin better, baby do you like my sweater? lolol SURPRISE! Stalker in your driveway!

Also something else to add. I find it funny how all the girls are defending this girl yet probably 90% of them would think any guy who did it was a total creeper. Women are hypocrites. When they do it it's heartfelt but when we do it's just plain weird?

ouch dude, i'm sorry. what a dick. he could've at least had the balls to come up to you to your face and say he wasn't interested. you'll find better.

oh and #65 you do realize she may not just be interested in sex right? because you know, some people enjoy relationships.

BlueRiverAries 0

Wow, you're creepy. You kind of deserved that one, way to go. If someone asked me out in that way i would have done the same.

awhh that's sweet, what a jerk he's not worth it

pavela 0

You scared him off. Just ask casually, there's no easier way to freak a guy out than to put on a display like that.