Lactose intolerance

By Anonymous - 25/05/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, after I learned a long time ago that it's prudent to smell your shredded cheese as with milk to check its freshness, that lesson came into play when I doubted the quality of some cheese my roommate was going to use for nachos. I smelled it and got the dry heaves from the stink. He can't smell anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 365
You deserved it 69

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What happened to using expiration dates? To check if my cheddar is good, I first look at the expiration date, except if the cheese has white dots on it (pink if it's Brie or Camembert), then it's straight to garbage. I don't even need to smell it.


What happened to using expiration dates? To check if my cheddar is good, I first look at the expiration date, except if the cheese has white dots on it (pink if it's Brie or Camembert), then it's straight to garbage. I don't even need to smell it.