Noped outta there

By SmileEveryday - 17/03/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my friend to the school dance, which is one where the girls ask the guys. I spent hours placing signs down his street so he would see them on his way home. As I was waiting in his driveway with balloons, I saw his car reverse and go in the opposite direction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 043
You deserved it 20 405

Same thing different taste


Cacto 0
inlimbo11 0

that's creepy as ****, of course he went the other way. you deserved that shit for sure.

inlimbo11 0

#97, or maybe it really was just ******* creepy

bsellnow 0

I think all these people calling it creepy just don't understand at all. I think it was a really sweet idea, and it sucks that the guy was such a coward as to drive away from it.

You're not proposing marriage. Why couldn't you just ask him?

The fact that it might have been a cute idea is fizzled by something. Your asking a friend in an over the top manner to a dance. You've plastered this all over his street. The rest of the area knows that you're waiting for him at his house. Did you ever think someone else might have asked him during the day? Or perhaps this was a bit overkill? Waiting with ballons, I guess is ok. If my girlfriend ever went this over the top I'd probably been ticked off, but someone who's a friend? A bit creepy. Still sucks for you, since he didn't even face you.

I put my vote in with the 'this is creepy as ****' faction.

#97, here's the thing, guys dont go for that romantic crap, on the receiving end at least. Guys do it for women because more often then not they appreciate it more. The signs weren't even that bad, though already too much for a school dance, but you waiting in his driveway? Way to much. With balloons?! Completely creepy and overbearing. I cant imagine pulling up in my driveway, with a girl waiting for me with balloons, forced to face her at that moment. Its not even embarrassing, just really creepy. I do feel bad that this happened to you, but next time, just walk up and ask the guy.

LifeSux19 0

I'm sorry. But I would've done the same if I saw someone waiting in my driveway with balloons, and who placed signs for me. No telling what they would've done to me if I was stupid enough to follow the signs. Oh hell no. I would be out too. CREEPY!!!!

wallythedolly 0

Why would you be so elaborate? It's not like you were proposing.