By he fucking smells like death! - 18/12/2018 13:00 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I was told what a bitch I am for turning down “the nice guy” after he surprised me with flowers and a hand painted portrait. He conveniently left out the part where he texted me multiple creepy porn links, doesn’t brush his teeth and has the personal hygiene of a farm animal! FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 118
You deserved it 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, it doesn't matter WHY you turned him down. It's ridiculous that you can be labeled a bitch for not wanting to date someone.

404wan 19

i would turn down anyone who asked me out with a hand painted portrait, even without the added creepness. that's ******* weird and obsessive and that dude will probably not let you go easy.


404wan 19

i would turn down anyone who asked me out with a hand painted portrait, even without the added creepness. that's ******* weird and obsessive and that dude will probably not let you go easy.

I would like it if it were a small sketch or something and the feelings were mutual, but that's me.

Honestly, it doesn't matter WHY you turned him down. It's ridiculous that you can be labeled a bitch for not wanting to date someone.

Jim7jr 9
tounces7 27

What I hate most about this, is that being nice to people any more is regarded as highly suspicious or out right creepy in of itself, simply because of so many pretenders like this. "Nice" guys really just need to go die in a fire.

Even if he smelled like a beautiful sunflower it still doesn't justify calling you a bitch. You are always allowed to live up to your own standard and turn down someone if you don't reciprocate their feelings.

PenguinPal3017 19

Creepy ****? You'll have to be more specific.

Leviathene 34

Any unwanted **** links are creepy. The context is likely that OP is calling the linking of **** creepy more so than the actual **** itself being creepy.

PenguinPal3017 19

I was hoping it was furry vore or something interesting.

Pretty sure that PenguinPal was jokingly playing the part of someone eager to see any and all "creepy ****". I for one giggled.

Gofuckyourself 24

HAHAHAHAAHA oh yes, those links are needed, aren't they?

"No more Mister Nice Guy, No more Mister Clean. No more Mister Nice Guy, They say he's sick, he's obscene."

I hope you just told them about him sending you the **** links.

Sady_Ct 37

Hey! Farm animals have decent hygiene! They stay as clean as their owners and their species allows. If a human has shitty hygiene that is more than likely their own choice!

To be honest the **** can probably be written of as a shitty sense of humor. Especially if you mean creepy **** like octocock or the South Park referenced one rather than just the inherent creepiness of unsolicited ****. Hygiene is learned so while nasty doesn’t indicate dangerous. Lazy or hill billy but not inherently dangerous. Though again legit reason for not dating. You’re not his mom and he’s not a house to rehab. The portrait though that a level the surpasses bunny boiler. ******* run and if your friends are too stupid to understand get new friends. Else keep them out of your live life

Even if he was the best looking, best groomed guy on earth, his behavior was damn creepy. And even if he was hot AND uncreepy, you're still allowed to not be into him. Simple lack of interest is enough of a reason to say "no". Your pants aren't a public washroom or a taxicab, where every citizen is guaranteed equal access.