By webcammistake - 17/03/2009 20:51 - United States

Today, I was on a webcam with my friend. We were joking around so I stood up and flashed her. Her grandma choose that second to walk past and look at the screen. Her grandma now thinks were lesbians and that I'm a whore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 101
You deserved it 75 824

Same thing different taste

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Well, it is understandable she would think that considering the situation....


Well, it is understandable she would think that considering the situation....

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I second #1, she's not seen any such action in years!

Zooma_fml 0

You probably are, you idiot. Seeing that you flashed your friend, I mean, who even does that on a webcam, o ya thats right, only ******/lesbians do. So evidently you deserve it, idiot.

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green_199 0

No worries, her grandma took some pics on the webcam of herself for me later.

DefHamster 0

That's awesome...and hot. Honestly you probably shouldn't have been doing that, but we all do stupid stuff with friends, so I'll got with your life being f'ed.