Noped outta there

By SmileEveryday - 17/03/2009 20:44 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my friend to the school dance, which is one where the girls ask the guys. I spent hours placing signs down his street so he would see them on his way home. As I was waiting in his driveway with balloons, I saw his car reverse and go in the opposite direction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 043
You deserved it 20 405

Same thing different taste


x0x_KissOfDeath 0

this doesnt happen anywhere on the east coast. this must be a new trend in the midwest or something. People don't really need to prove that they are cool and creative by not being direct and just asking. I agree with almost everyone else, this was kinda creepy, embarassing, and over the top. Based on guys i know, most guys probably wouldn't like someone outside their house with balloons. He just didn't want to have to reject you. It was like fight or flight mode probably. He was embarassed and fled. I'm sorry hun but i think you totally misjudged the type of guy he is went overboard

Shadesthebird 0

yeah, that would freak me the hell out. nooo waaaay you deserved that one

#36 / Arkatect : Wouldn't you go with ANY girl ? ^___^ You're... strange OP... :hap:

No offense, but Im on his side... I could be madly in love with a girl, but if we had never gone out and she pulled a stunt like that it would freak me out. Sorry, its just that all that probably spooked him, guys like girls who are forward to a certain extent. =P

Oooh, that sucks! I would have scaled it back a bit, though. I'm sorry, but you kind of brought it upon yourself. You should have just asked.

Thats just sad/creepy what YOU did Im not gunna lie :/ maybe a direct approach wouldve been better :p

People who think it's creepy must not know much about school dances. It's like that at my school. When a guy asks a girl to homecoming, he HAS to do something really creative and over-the-top and for tolo (our girls-ask-guys dance) it's the same way. You can't JUST ASK. Plus, asking someone to a dance doesn't mean you're in love with them. I've asked my friends just as friends. Really. I think it was really sweet of you to go to such lengths, and if I were you I'd forget about him.

I think you came on a LITTLE strong there.I could just imagine some freaking girl waiting in my driveway with balloons who had placed signs down the street.I'd ******* go the other direction too.Guys are lazy, they like girls who want loose relationships and "don't give a crap".That way, you won't bitch at them later.The more interest that you show, the less they'll be interested :)

Okay, I think you had good intentions, but went a overboard. I mean spending hours putting up signs? Balloons in the driveway? That's a little much. It was sweet of you to go through such great effort to make him feel special, but maybe you freaked him out. I'm pretty sure I would be a little scared if a guy did that for me (just the signs part, the balloons aren't that bad, depending on how much you had). Don't worry though, you'll get another guy (:

theoldGP 0

haha he chose to drive home despite all the signs. :D sounds like he wanted anyone but you he saw you.. and then was like OH SHIT. hell no hahaahah. i love this.