No kinkshaming here

By Anonymous - 30/09/2012 04:37 - United States - Northridge

Today, my boyfriend told me he masturbates to the thought of me swimming in pancake syrup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 090
You deserved it 5 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's just no pleasing some women. Be happy his fantasy features you at all.


How this is a problem at all is beyond me. Are you REALLY that boring that the most innocent of fantasies puts you off? If you dump him for this I hope your next boyfriend is into poop.

Surprise him by sexily spreading syrup on yourself

At least he's doing it to the thought of you !

At least he masturbates to the thought of you.

Well now u know if u want to turn him on u can get into a swim suit and pour some pancake syrup on yourself

It could be worse. He could be thinking of Mrs. Butterworth.