No cussing

By jdsksoapy - 30/03/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, my parents punished me and made me wash my mouth out with soap for cursing. I'm almost 19. I said the word "Hell". FML
I agree, your life sucks 211 126
You deserved it 35 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SwordSlasher 0

Try "Heck!" or if really moved "Fiddlesticks!"


If you're 19 and can't stand up for yourself, you deserved it. Grow a pair anrd let them know that there are limits to what you will tolerate. Either that, or resign yourself to being 12 years old and under their thumbs for the rest of your life.

time to move out buddy if you're 19 and living there by choice, you've got no one to blame but yourself

PrincessesCrown 17

Well my brother will be 18 today and is going to be going into his senior year. He has never flunked a grade he just started kindergarten late due to his summer birthday. So next summer he'll be 19 and just starting college so it could just be their summer before their first year if college.

blahblah17 0

hahaha. #8s idea!!!! it only makes sense!!!

wow and i curse at my parents all the time... well not bad things more like funny things and they laugh with me....

if you're 19, surely you know your parents strongly disapprove of cursing. i'm not saying it's reasonable of them, but shouldn't you know their rules by now?

gabeepicfails 0
Why_Me77 0

My folks did that when I was little...that's when I discovered I was very allergic to Lever 2000 soap =(. Yay swollen mouth!

fuckedhislife 0

Wow. This sucks you have really up-tight parents/ Oh. I have been touched by his noodley appendage also

Hell is actually the name of a place close to the city I've been living in for quite a while. :D