By Anonymous - 06/03/2017 18:00

Today, my housemate blew chunks all over the freshly-painted walls in the bathroom. The paint was still wet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 204
You deserved it 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awful, but I'm a little curious what that would look like when it dries.

Just tell all who see it that you're a huge Jackson Pollock fan. They'll be envious of your amazing tribute.


Sady_Ct 37

I'm wondering how anyone could deserve this.

Just tell all who see it that you're a huge Jackson Pollock fan. They'll be envious of your amazing tribute.

That's awful, but I'm a little curious what that would look like when it dries.

Glad it's just the bathroom. I mean, not the first thing everyone's going to see now, is it.

Paint over it and enjoy the unique texturing while trapping the stench.

Make your roommate paint over it. Preferably in pink.

Am I the only one that can never see the pictures that go with these FMLs?

Edit: it finally showed up, just took forever. Now what I'm not seeing is an edit comment option...

Good luck. The comment editor has been busted for months, and the mods refuse to fix it.

Eashy 16

you cannot edit comments after 2 minutes

jcash52426 5

As long as your roommate cleans it up it no big deal you can just repaint it. People get sick. As Forrest Gump says "SHIT HAPPENS"

thatslifeiguess7 16

Um how does one explain this to the landlord. "hi it's 304 um could you send Maintenance up to repaint the bathroom my roommate had an accident." Landlord "I told you no pets was it a dog? gator?"