No cussing

By jdsksoapy - 30/03/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, my parents punished me and made me wash my mouth out with soap for cursing. I'm almost 19. I said the word "Hell". FML
I agree, your life sucks 211 126
You deserved it 35 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SwordSlasher 0

Try "Heck!" or if really moved "Fiddlesticks!"


tschillz 0

Lol....Hell is not a cuss word. Your parents probably think darn is a cuss word too. Tell them you engage in gay sex for money

zbots 0

FYL, but also, their house, their rules. Tough it out until you either go back to school/can get out of the house.

gislince 0

what the hell? how could you say that??

gislince 0

what the hell? how could you say that??

xlucklessloverx 0

hahaha that reminds me of my cousins. they are 12 im 15. i said the word crap in front of them and they freaked out. allowed your parents to make you wash your mouth out with soap?

this isnt really a fml. if you live with your parents then you live by their rules. deal with it