No cussing

By jdsksoapy - 30/03/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, my parents punished me and made me wash my mouth out with soap for cursing. I'm almost 19. I said the word "Hell". FML
I agree, your life sucks 211 126
You deserved it 35 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SwordSlasher 0

Try "Heck!" or if really moved "Fiddlesticks!"


its so good to know that someones parents are worse than mine. sucks for you but take solace in the fact that you made me feel better!

Revan_fml 0

When they are sleeping put some soap in your parents mouth. See how they like it.

jafar_fml 0

seriously, if you can not metally bring yourself to resist, or if you want to but arent physically strong enough to resist, you need to take a good hard look at your life.

BEB131 0

LOl tell your parents that u put this on **** MY LIFE

I hate parents like those. Hell isn't even that much of a bad word. I get a 20 minute lecture if I accidentally even BEGIN to say "****" so I know what it's like... But seriously... wouldn't you stand up to them if they tried to wash your mouth with soap?

420hiadventurer 0

# 11 that is so funny. Thanks for posting that.

If you're 19 and you let them do that to you, it's your own fault