Mamma bird

By Gribby - 27/06/2013 23:56 - United States - Branson

Today, I was accused of shooting up drugs at work. I was only feeding a baby bird that was tucked into my arm using a medicine syringe. I've been smuggling it to work because it has to eat every 2 hours or it will starve. Now everyone there thinks I'm a hardcore dope fiend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 593
You deserved it 8 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I commend you for your care of the bird, but you had to know something bad would happen if you had to smuggle the bird in.

CheeseTron 15

You should just tell them. Its probably better than them thinking that youre shooting up heroin at work


This sounds bogus. Why didn't you just immediately show them the bird? Are you really telling us you're more likely to get fired if they know you fed a baby bird at work than if they think you shoot up at work?

TheWhiteLotus 5

Shooting up drugs at any place of employment is a sackable offense....if they catch you. Large corporations and places of retail usually look the other way unless they actually have to do something about it, because drugs affect YOU, whereas a live animal in the workplace affects EVERY ******* PERSON. They'll give you the whole "ehhh, it's unhygienic to us all" speech and have the animal destroyed, whether it be a baby bird, dog, cat, pig, (etc.) People suck, is what I'm trying to say.

Way to miss the point of the story, #62.

kidsgotastinky 11

You could just like... you know tell them about the bird.

that is so sweet yore such a humanitarian

SkyGuy32 17

Nah, this story doesn't sound suspicious at alllllll…

So show them the bird and how you feed it? I mean you might get in trouble for bringing the bird to work, but it's better than having to explain to your next employer that your last job that you were shooting up. Also, you should probably look for a wildlife rehabilitation center in your state, or some type of shelter. They'll be able to give the bird a good life and you won't be risking getting in trouble at work.

You are a kind hearted person so at least you have karma on your side. Though it is rewarding to nurse a baby animal back to health you should probably take it to a sanctuary for birds so it can have proper care to insure that it will survive. Also being a heroine addict is not a fun rumor

I feel your pain. Everyone thinks I'm insane to feed the 6 stray cats that now live outside my house, and because I but flea meds for my neighbor's dog. But mostly because I stopped working for about 15 to 20 minutes to gently remove the webs that had tangled completely around a hummingbird I'd seen fly into.

Why wouldn't you bring the bird to a vet?