By caswell 1 - 28/02/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, I was at the school's rec center, working out for the first time in a while. While there, there was this very mysteriously attractive girl who kept shooting me glances. I asked for her number and she responded by saying "if you can lift this same weight as me". I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 541
You deserved it 13 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We have a woman in our gym who used to compete in the Ms. Olympia. She's hot as hell, has great legs, and can still lift more than half the dudes in the gym. Take the girl's advice, OP, and show her how hard you're working out. Maybe something good will happen some day.


King_of_Kings 3

i know where #3 is goin with this.

We have a woman in our gym who used to compete in the Ms. Olympia. She's hot as hell, has great legs, and can still lift more than half the dudes in the gym. Take the girl's advice, OP, and show her how hard you're working out. Maybe something good will happen some day.

it's because he couldn't lift more weights then her, that's why it's an fml

...And this is why I'm going to continue working out at home until I'm toned enough for the gym.

#56 Nothing said he was weak. She could be extremely strong and he's only moderately strong.

I don't think the rejection part is the FML guys... it's the fact that he couldn't lift the weight that a girl could. That's sort of like finding out that a 5 year old girl could lift more weight than you.

lol So you're saying girls' muscles stop growing at age 5 and stay that way for the rest of their lives?

TheOrpheus 0

sucks! some of those girls at gyms that are in shape are pretty good looking. i'm sorry fro your loss.

how much did she weight is what i want to know (if she was only like 80lbs sucks to be u ) lol an 80lbs little girl owned you hard (that is until other wise stated if she was like 400lbs then just ewww n why)

seanpow4713 0

if she really cares that much about you not being able to lift the weight, then obviously she's a superficial bitch and not even worth it.