The step before rat-licker

By Annabelle - 17/03/2021 17:01

Today, I got caught sniffing a rat, and now my boss is forcing me to be tested for the black death and is "terrified" that I made everyone sick, and says I may be fired from my job as a pediatric anesthesiologist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 408
You deserved it 1 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why were you sniffing a rat in the first place? 🤢

Your boss is an idiot. Zootherapy exists for a reason. Maybe if you made a little lab coat for your rat to wear, it would become accepted in the workplace. I'm sure your patients would love it.


Great! Someone who knows how to administer succinylcholine and propofol to small children is also a rat-sniffer. Every parent's dream. You sound like a buddy of Hannibal Lecter. Call Thomas Harris and see if you can be in a sequel to "Silence of the Lambs." Working title: "Scent of a Rat -- Hoo-hah!"

Your boss is an idiot. Zootherapy exists for a reason. Maybe if you made a little lab coat for your rat to wear, it would become accepted in the workplace. I'm sure your patients would love it.

Why were you sniffing a rat in the first place? 🤢

tounces7 27

You got "caught" sniffing a rat? Like is this some secret hobby of yours you do often?

Okay, but why were you uh, sniffing a rat?

Okay...I have SO many questions....I am so confused.....first of all, where did you get this rat from? And how did you get ahold of it? Did you randomly find it in a storeroom at the hospital? Did you bring it into the hospital with you from home? Were you caught in the hospital, or like, on the street? And what kind of sniffing was it? Were you sniffing it like, “hhm this is a smelly pet rat” or was like, “mmmmhmmm yeah that’s that goooood shhiiiit”? And WHY were you sniffing the rat?!

famlife 6

Why would you care so much about a rat...something that is incapable of reciprocity to you? I would run the other way if I saw something like that.

Yummi_913 18

You have obviously never come across a pet rat. They DO build an attachment with humans and have the intelligence of a dog. They can learn tricks and some even enjoy baths. Maybe check out some YouTube videos and learn a thing or two. I researched them on and off for a year before I decided to get two of them and their differing personalities were pretty awesome. They were super smart and loved snuggling. It's reptiles that are incapable of reciprocating any bond, and even they make great pets. I have two species myself but I used to work with many more.

The First Rule of Rat-sniffing Club is: "Don't talk about Rat-sniffing Club." But the Zeroth Rule of Rat-sniffing Club is: "Don't Get Caught."

Why in God's name were you sniffing a rat??

For the love of all things holy and unholy expand on this story!