Log out

By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, my friend accidentally left her Facebook logged onto my computer after she left my house. I looked on her Facebook and found a very long message between her and my other friends talking about how much they hate me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 945
You deserved it 8 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Remember what they said 2. Improve the points they hate about you 3. ??? 4. Profit!!

you should have messed with her info page then changed the email address and password so she couldn't get back onto her account next time have fun with it


Honey im sorry, but she left her facebook on on purpose. Dump the bitch

until i saw you were a guy, i thought you were Bella Swan.

that totally sucks... but thats what you get for snooping

I have a friend like you....we all hate him b/c he cant have functional relationships....that might be your problem.

lolcrzykid 0

ignorance is bliss. this happened to me once. a little different..but def look at what they said and improve on it. then get new friends

I hope you made a log of what she and her friends wrote. It's time to get even...and then some.

Wooow Yeeah ; iCan Reel8"Saame Stuff Happend2"Mee SucksFuck maan .