It's sus to us

By inder - 25/02/2011 16:03 - United Kingdom

Today, while having sex, I found out that I'm so flexible that when I bend over backwards, the backs of my knees can touch my shoulders. My boyfriend is now extremely jealous and is debating about breaking up with me. Even I don't get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 845
You deserved it 4 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, she did say "backwards" so giving herself oral still isn't happening.

what an idiot flexibility=tons of hot positions you should find a guy with an emotional age over 5


He's probably jealous that you can pleasure yourself orally and he needs a girlfriend to do that for him.

RedPillSucks 31

Jealous? He should be proud. *hey look what my girlfriend can do.. (sex positions) pretzle, twister, jackson pollock* Introduce him to the Kama Sutra and show him the new positions you can have fun with. If he's jealous, it's probably because he couldn't do the same position with his boyfriend. Try someone new.

wtftoria 1

Can you please explain what the "jackson pollock" is? lmao!!

When you cum on random body parts without aiming, I think I'm not positive. that's the answer I got from urban dictionary...

Thedrugslikeme2 0

It sounds like he fears you, if so tell him if he leaves you bad things will come. You could also force him into his unwanted sex acts (your wanted). lol Woman rapes man, I'd love to see that in a newspaper! XD

Bear in mind that you cannot rape the willing. Furthermore Family Guy had an episode like this, the episode where Lois learns Taekwondo and gets all aggressive. Check it out.

I'd like to see you say that to a female rape victim.

MissFukMyLuck 0

thumbs up 85. spoken like a real man. go drown yourself.

cryssycakesx3 22

yeah, rape is always funny and usually the answer to all your problems…

Perhaps your boyfriend always dreamed about being a contortionist, failed miserably, then sees this as an act of rubbing it in. I'd be pretty pissed too if I was in that situation.

nismochick90 6

that's right.. best way to get over someone is to get under someone.. haha

*hits in the crotch with basketball* Hey, how YOU doin'?

I'm sure there is a line of guys that would love your talent!

He should be happy. Going down on a woman who can do that is amazing! My wife can :)

he's an idiot, dump him and find a man who can appreciate your talent