It's sus to us

By inder - 25/02/2011 16:03 - United Kingdom

Today, while having sex, I found out that I'm so flexible that when I bend over backwards, the backs of my knees can touch my shoulders. My boyfriend is now extremely jealous and is debating about breaking up with me. Even I don't get it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 845
You deserved it 4 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, she did say "backwards" so giving herself oral still isn't happening.

what an idiot flexibility=tons of hot positions you should find a guy with an emotional age over 5


Flexible girls are cool, more poses. He is an idiot.

OhFiona1 0

WTF is up with him? I mean, guys live for that kind of shit.

iNsANity510 0

Ay if he aint smart enough to keep yu how bout yu slide over my way

stillirise98 4

Wow hes rlly dumb that makes no sense ! Most guys love tht im jealous of you ! Im a female .

jdubyablue 0

all I can think about is what I could do with someone who could do that!

That's kinda gross.... Seeing as your picture is of u and a little girl...

scratchmybut96 0

he wants to be flexible so he can suck his own penus