It's not me…

By Shropintz - 23/02/2011 00:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to move out. Excited, thinking he wanted us to move out from his mom's house, I said, "Yeah! Just you and me?" to which he smirked and replied, "No, just you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 409
You deserved it 5 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi for moving in with your boyfriend... who still lives with his mother.

WTF is this?? You live with your BOYFRIEND in his MOTHER'S house? My mom would've beaten me with a stick if I would even think of moving my girlfriend in with me, and I own my own place! What happened to the America I moved to??


iTerrorized 4

Yo this girl need to write a novel.

I gotta say, what the hell were YOU doing living with his mother? If he's not man enough to live on his own, why the hell would you move in with them? Bad move OP

#57 When I started living with my partner I was living with his Nan and him. I had just moved to the other side of the country to be with him and I was looking for work so we could save and buy a house (his job alone couldn't cover $450 a week in rent) :) you never know their situation

he either has a good reason, or he's a mamas boy and wants to have more attention. either way, fyl.

Suks to b u....try askin y??? Mayb his mom dnt like u...

luckyone365 7

WTF is this?? You live with your BOYFRIEND in his MOTHER'S house? My mom would've beaten me with a stick if I would even think of moving my girlfriend in with me, and I own my own place! What happened to the America I moved to??

I_R_Genius 3

Hmmm, in America, we call it love. If you've been with your partner for a while (atleast more than a year) then they can move in with each other. I don't see a problem with people who are in love moving in with each other.

I had to move in with my boyfriend and his mom because my parents were crazy alcoholics. There could be a reason the OP lives there!

monnanon 13

I lived in with my bf in his mum house for three years because the lease ended in my flat before we could find a place of our own. Unfortunatly he turned out to be a little reluctant to move out but we have moved now.

dezinspaaace 0

maybe he's saying something. dump him now op.

Yes redbluegreen I would have to agree with you.