By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, my boyfriend returned from a 2-month internship in New York. As I saw him exit the plane, I imagined him running to me and kissing/spinning me around passionately like in movies. He got closer and closer, and as I opened my arms to embrace him, he runs past me saying, "BRB, I GOTTA TAKE A SHIT." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 791
You deserved it 10 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Your life is ****** because your boyfriend needed a poo when he got off a plane?



FYL because your boyfriend talks in CAPSLOCK.

ugliy 0

who cares shit happens litterally hehe

Please, that only happens in movies. Do you seriously see nothing wrong with wanting your boyfriend to coddle you while in pain (I would assume - likely it wasn't pleasant if he had to go that bad)? I mean, really? What kind of girlfriend are you?

How did you get past security to see him "exit the plane?"

I really really really really really hope that's what he actually said.

LOL. that's pretty funny. but i can understand his position. when you got to take a shit, the situation is explosive, literally

startafire 0

I think it's an FML because of the crude way he said it. And if he said, "BRB," then it's definitely an FML, haha.

dumass30 0