Hurry up

By lauren_rox - 08/11/2009 17:50 - Canada

Today, I was waiting at home for a phone call. While I was in the bathroom, the phone rang. I quickly stopped my business and ran out of the bathroom with my pants round my ankles. I leaped over the couch, tripping and then stubbing my toe while hopping to the phone. It was a telemarketer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 422
You deserved it 13 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't want to be mean....but this is what cordless phones and cell phones were invented for....

Mikuo 0


SeximusPrime 0

Ever notice it's always like that? Nothing going never rings. Waiting on an important call, and you get over 9000 crap calls before the real one comes through. Word of advice: Take your phone to the bathroom with you. If somebody calls, that's their problem for calling at a bad time.

superguppy19 3

have a phone mounted on the wall in the bathroom problem solved

You couldn't have just called them back..? FYL though.

Don't worry OP, the same thing happens to me at least once a week. Except without the yachts around the ankles part.