By WhyTheFNot - 20/06/2009 18:06 - United States

Today, I came home from work and had to pee so badly that I ran to the bathroom and ripped my pants down. My touch screen phone dropped from my pocket and started calling my boyfriend. Since I couldn't quite reach the phone, I left a message of me peeing on his cell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 472
You deserved it 9 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WOOOOOW... just claim it accidentally called him when you were doing the dishes

Phoenix_GAD 0

fail. lol i have a touch screen too. it calls random people.


Phoenix_GAD 0

fail. lol i have a touch screen too. it calls random people.

Phoenix_GAD 0

wait. i just thought of something. so just today i left a message for this girl and it was just random noises, like the radio when i was driving home. my fone gave me a chance to review the message or to delete it. so wouldnt the fone keep recording until you said to stop, and then you could just delete the message? just thinking "out loud" here...

emmaphant 0

Not all phones give that option. I know mine doesn't.

ryguy997 0

if it's not an iPhone it sucks.

wow my iPhone doesn't call people even when I hit the screen it sucks

NoisyNykkii 10

I didn't know ducks could be hookers!

WOOOOOW... just claim it accidentally called him when you were doing the dishes

I dont make a pissing sound when i do the dishes. Thats just me though.

maybe she hand washes her dishes, and water running into a sink full of water sounds like pissing. :|

but usually you turn the water on louder than peeing noises.

yea it could be worse you could have had to go #2, or you could have called your boss

spiffles 0

You could....tell him it was a joke...?

not really a fml, it would be ****** if u said he broke up with u for that stupid reason.....

I don't know about you, but I would be mad if someone got all pissy at me over the phone.

jncwmnd 0

you don't have enough control of your bladder muscles to stop long enough to reach for it?

I think it'd be kinda hard to stop peeing if you're busting and have already started...

jncwmnd 0

busting?? I'm talkin about the ability to stop peeing O_O

I think it'd be kinda hard to have the ability to stop peeing if you're bursting and have already started...

jncwmnd 0

well that makes more sense lol...but maybe its just me that has awesome muscles in my lowers =p lol

equastriangirl 0

this is definitley a YDI no matter how badly you had to pee u should definitley be able to hold it for 5 seconds to grab your phone even if you were "bursting"

Melsy187 3

There's a point in time when you are so full of piss and you start peeing, you cannot close your urethra. It's just not done. LOL.

It's not like he thought you were inhuman or superhuman, jeez.