Horrendous website content

By Anonymous - 20/02/2021 13:01 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me after she found a disgusting and perverted porn site on my internet history. What was this site? Reddit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 012
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reddit seems like a nerdy site on the surface, there's some really dirty stuff on the subreddits and the domreddits!

Depends on what subreddit we’re talking about. Is this r/callofduty or r/**********?


diraven 15

There's a lot of freaky shit on Reddit

Reddit seems like a nerdy site on the surface, there's some really dirty stuff on the subreddits and the domreddits!

Depends on what subreddit we’re talking about. Is this r/callofduty or r/**********?