
By mugs - 12/03/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I asked my parents if the outfit I was wearing made me look fat. My mom looked at me and paused for a while; my dad said, "Honey, that outfit doesn't make you look fat. Your fat makes you look fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 673
You deserved it 23 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kagome_eb 0

hahaha am sorry he is right, don't ask people questions unless you want to hear the true.


#26 #31 #41, really? This isn't Debate 101 - a simple 'I sympathize' or 'You deserve it' will do.

haha your dads response ftw! im with #44 on that

kellster 2

Jeez, that's really ass-ish of him. I'm sorry! :/

He's right. Clothes don't make you look fat, your fatness does.

llSgtScopell 0

Jesus whats with everyones parents being so harsh?

I think his statement was very logical. What else can make such a huge impact on whether you look fat, other than your own fat?

How's it feel to be owned by your own father?

kandy_fml 0

@48. Actually, some clothes can make you look bigger than you are if they're too big or just simply unflattering to your figure. Anyway, that sucks. You dad sounds like a dick.