
By Anonymous - 01/10/2019 06:00

Today, my mom and dad were talking about how if I lost weight, I would be attractive and have guys all over me. My dad said, “That’s exactly what I’m worried about.” It took me a while to realize they both think I’m ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 471
You deserved it 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you misunderstand. They think you are so pretty that if you lose some weight they are going to have to stand by the door with weapons to keep the guys from stalking you. And they are probably very scared. So they don’t want to see that happen and don’t build up your confidence like they should. You do what YOU want and what makes you happy. You need to live for yourself and not for another soul.

no parents should talk negative about their child negative words from a parents can have a lasting effect on the child


No, they think you're fat, and would be very attractive at a normal weight. I feel bad for ugly, fat girls. They can go through the hard work of losing weight, but it won't really make a difference.

I think you misunderstand. They think you are so pretty that if you lose some weight they are going to have to stand by the door with weapons to keep the guys from stalking you. And they are probably very scared. So they don’t want to see that happen and don’t build up your confidence like they should. You do what YOU want and what makes you happy. You need to live for yourself and not for another soul.

no parents should talk negative about their child negative words from a parents can have a lasting effect on the child

You must have misunderstood them. I didn't read anything about you being ugly. Your dad thinks you're pretty and doesn't want to have to worry about all the boys jumping on you. They might think you're overweight, but you know if you are. Don't be sad, sweetie. They love you.

OK, here's the thing. They said "overweight" but you chose to hear "ugly". It is not the same thing. Overweight means that the ball is in your court and there is a LOT you can do about that. Start with some basic things like walking around the block every day and maybe eating one healthy thing. Do you want to hear them having this conversation again next year? If not, do something about it rather than feeling sorry for yourself. Sorry, I don't mean to be hard on you and I know there are many pschycological reasons why people overeat but you have to take control of your life.