
By mugs - 12/03/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I asked my parents if the outfit I was wearing made me look fat. My mom looked at me and paused for a while; my dad said, "Honey, that outfit doesn't make you look fat. Your fat makes you look fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 673
You deserved it 23 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kagome_eb 0

hahaha am sorry he is right, don't ask people questions unless you want to hear the true.


sounds like something id say. HONESTY FTW!!!!

It makes perfect sense. if you're fat, then what ever you wear is basically going to make you look fat regardless.

I'd maybe have more sympathy if this wasn't a complete rip-off of Buffy "The Freshman"

hahahahahahahahahaha---what a dick f your life---hahahahahahahaha

xshadyshadow 0

LMAO. Awesome dad you have there.

whEEzy03 0

Well it's true. Your clothes can't make you fat, you make your own self ft by eating and eating. Smart one;) jERK!n' s0 fR3Sh

lolDrGiggles 0

lol tbh I don't see how people can be on this site so often that they remember FML's from four years ago and still compare them to new ones.... obviously experiences can happen to more than one person... and they can easily be unaware that someone else posted their same unfortunate experience years before