Happy something

By Zebracat - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was watching TV and started freaking out thinking I forgot to wish my boyfriend a happy anniversary. I wrote him a text and after I'd sent it, I realized that the date is mine and my ex's anniversary date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 472
You deserved it 56 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Infamous_Hawk 6

Haha I bet he didn't remember either.

Honest mistake. It could have happen to anyone still in love with their ex....i mean it could happen to anyone...


that's ok. it is likely he will say "oh shit, I forgot" and come home with flowers and a dinner reservation. and ladies - it's not that we forget stuff on purpose. we really try to remember.

True, I love when my boyfriend forgets Valentines day. He tries so hard to make it up to me, and I haven't got the heart to tell him that I don't really care about Valentines day at all. So guaranteed, a week after Valentines day I get spoiled rotten. It's lovely :D

RainbowHeadache 2

Haha getting dates mixed up if you were with your ex for a long time is understandable because its programmed into your head. I remember all my anniversaries, but I know not to mix them up. Hopefully he'll forgive you. If not, offer an animal sacrifice. Or a ********.

philip1guthrie 4

that's why you only have that if your married

I'd would throw myself to the bed and start weeping. Oh the shame!

xxcdawg 3

I got my ex's and current boyfriends anniversary mixed up before.. But I was half asleep and going on about 3 hours of sleep so I guess I have an excuse?

muchagente 5

only the less. if you get the anniversaries mixed up when you're asleep it shows that you're still dreaming of your ex. your bf should dump you instantly.

What the hell is wrong with you? It's not that big of a deal to get anniversaries mixed up. I mean, jeez. If you're that insecure about your relationship, you shouldn't be dating in the first place.

that's what you get for remembering your exes and your anniversary. holding on much?

dudeitsdanny 9

I remember every single one of my anniversaries. I don't want to. I wish I could forget the last two girls and the dates completely.. But I don't. I also remember birthdays of people I don't talk to, and haven't talked to in years.. I remember the first day I picked up the guitar.. A lot of odd dates. Some of us just have a strange memory. I can tell you all those dates, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what number I order at my favorite Chinese place. I know the name, I get it kind of often, but I always have to look at the menu or order by name.

lmaoatall 6

see what happens when you sit around all day eating bonbons and watching soap operas? now sssshh- Jet Is about to find out that his girlfriend is still in love with her ex. I'm so nervous!!!!!