Happy something

By Zebracat - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was watching TV and started freaking out thinking I forgot to wish my boyfriend a happy anniversary. I wrote him a text and after I'd sent it, I realized that the date is mine and my ex's anniversary date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 472
You deserved it 56 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Infamous_Hawk 6

Haha I bet he didn't remember either.

Honest mistake. It could have happen to anyone still in love with their ex....i mean it could happen to anyone...


lol I'm dense? I was not even rude I was just saying. no you dont have to apologize.

Uh oh. maybe think things through before you freak out next time.

oh that sucks. the similar thing happened on me 2 years ago. I was very exciting and telling my girl friend:" someone's gonna have her lovely birthday tomorrow!" she replied me a 'yes' and then broke up with me 2 days after that. Turned out that would be my ex's birthday the next day......

nice mistake. did you make that because youre cheating on him with this ex?

Egnar 19

Your boyfriend shouldn't know your anniversary with your ex-boyfriend. If he does then either you and your ex didn't date very long and your boyfriend was a friend at the time [even then it'd still be weird] or you did something wrong and talk about your ex-boyfriend too much. Easy fix? Send him another text "Oh sorry hunny, I was thinking of "insert name of friend he doesn't know, preferably female" birthday.

He prolly didn't even notice. play it out right and you can have him thinking it Ur anniversary every six months or so. Gifts twice a year! yay you!

Wow, most times you read FMLs about the same issue, but then seen from the OP's boyfriend's side!

Please tell me you're blonde. There is no other excuse for that.

just tell him you took a nap and during your nap you had a dream you forgot y'alls anniversary and texted him that when you were still half asleep lol