Happy something

By Zebracat - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was watching TV and started freaking out thinking I forgot to wish my boyfriend a happy anniversary. I wrote him a text and after I'd sent it, I realized that the date is mine and my ex's anniversary date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 472
You deserved it 56 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Infamous_Hawk 6

Haha I bet he didn't remember either.

Honest mistake. It could have happen to anyone still in love with their ex....i mean it could happen to anyone...


emariebake 0

haha. play it off. maybe he won't notice. if he already knows why you got the date wrong . . . well, you are probably screwed, but you've been wanting to call your ex anyway, haven't you?

juniior19 0

you deserve it for still having your ex's number on your phone.

uhhh, you suck at reading comprehension

OP, men are different from women. If you had really forgotten the anniversary, he would have a) forgotten too, b) not been upset, or c) been upset for a relatively short amount of time. This is not something you'd be hearing about months or even years later. If the roles were reversed however...

ohhhhhh dayyum! how'd that turn out? :p

FunwithBumperCar 0

If he's truly your boyfriend, he won't remember either.

xoxfall2piecesxx 0

Wow you guys are all assholes. Grow up. She didn't even do anything.

xoxfall2piecesxx 0

My bad that was supposed to be directed toward someone else, not a comment on it's own. Yeah she's a bitch for doing that.