Great lesson

By sciencesadness - 08/02/2014 23:24 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, a robin flew into my window and died. My mom, being a biology teacher, thought it would be a great experience for my brother and me to dissect it on the kitchen table. She threatened to ground us if we didn't do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 315
You deserved it 4 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DedicatedNova 13

My mom is a science teacher. I feel your pain OP.

Good experience for when you have to do it in school but that's still horrifying. FYL.


HJKM_fml 19

That bird might be carrying a disease and she should know that if she's a bio teacher. It's not like what schools and universities use which are checked and treated so students can't get a disease.

Epikouros 31

I feel like I missed out because I didn't get to cut up anything but boring flowers in biology class. On the other hand, I did get to see our neighbor slaughter some of his rabbits and chickens, which was awesome.

hazardmuffin 21

I would have jumped at that opportunity, but then I was a crazy, science-obsessed kid. (Now a crazy, science-obsessed adult!) Your mom's awful for forcing you to do something like that, though. You'd also think she'd know better than to dissect a wild, potentially diseased animal in the KITCHEN. I hope she had gloves and sanitized EVERYTHING afterwards.

Well now none of ur friends will be eating over lol!!!!

That would be awesome!!!! I would pay to do that!!!

I think it's a good thing!! I also think we need to take our kids to the freezing works too. I went and so many kids were like I can't eat meat any more. Where did you think it came from? Know where your food comes from. We have a freezer full of home kill from my Poppas farm too. Kids are covered in cotton wool these days and need to learn about this shit and stop being pussys.