Great lesson

By sciencesadness - 08/02/2014 23:24 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, a robin flew into my window and died. My mom, being a biology teacher, thought it would be a great experience for my brother and me to dissect it on the kitchen table. She threatened to ground us if we didn't do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 315
You deserved it 4 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DedicatedNova 13

My mom is a science teacher. I feel your pain OP.

Good experience for when you have to do it in school but that's still horrifying. FYL.


It's always time for a science lesson!

Well it's not like everybody gets to do something like that.

askullnamedbilly 33

Well that's no way to spread the love for science.

I like the way your mother thinks. My mum and I used to do all sorts of weird science stuff, and she wasn't even a teacher. We were just curious about everything. We never got to dissect anything though, and I still want to. It may seem morbid, but you'll come of laugh at such things.

I can't help but feeling a little concened since you still want to experience the dissection while your username and profile picture imply death... Morgue has a place for calibers like you :D

one there's nothing wrong with wanting to dissect an animal out of curiosity. two of he were a sociopath he would not be so open about his fascination with death in his public lifestyle. he's probably a metal head and thinks that skulls look cool, and they do

Actually, I'm a she, but fml dislikes me greatly when I attempt to correct my account. My picture is a piece by H.R.Giger (if that sounds familiar its because he was the mastermind behind the design of Alien) who is one of my favourite artists. I enjoy metal, yes, but currently I prefer classical and folk - and my mind is rather scientific, so I enjoy taking things apart. My username is simply a nickname I was given because of a minor research project of human sacrifice throughout history, among other factors. I am not mentally disturbed but I would not mind being a coroner.

Hopefully she won't demand the same with your pets....

That would be a ******* HELL NO from me

Informing your brother on the birds and the bees? :p

Look on the bright side, you might be a Disney princess. Keep your window open and next time some animals might come in and help clean your room or something.

Huh. I always enjoyed dissecting things in class, but I also get quite emotional at times when it comes to people, animals, stuffed animals, and even other inanimate objects, like tissues and balloons. I'm not sure if being told to dissect a bird would excite me or horrify me... either way, no one should ever be forced to do something like that.

But what's Batman going to do without his sidekick?

Eh, the bird is dead anyway, it's not going to feel anything. Might as well put it to some good use. Who knows, you might learn something in the process. And commence down thumbing in 3, 2, 1, go.

Is it bad that I agree with you? I found cutting into frogs very educational.

sourgirl101 28

My husband and I were lab partner when we were in high school. Our dissected frog also had a crawfish in its stomach. We then dissected the crawfish afterward. Double the education!