Good girl

By vanessa560 - 03/01/2012 19:44 - Canada

Today, my dog started limping as we were walking home. I thought she'd hurt herself, so I picked her up and carried her home. Once we arrived, I put her down, at which point she ran around and played as if nothing had happened. I fell for my lazy dog's plan to get me to carry her home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 164
You deserved it 8 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That awkward moment when you realize your dog is smarter than you...


alliebaba7 8

Adorable I added this to my favorites

doglady 16

Was there a lot of ice melter on the sidewalk? That used to hurt my dog's paws and she' try to limp with 2 paws at once...or else I had fallen for her nefarious plot to be carried everywhere!!!

SagenessGreatnes 2

It's called the "sympathy limp"- or "symp-limp" for short.

laminacourt 1

If she's a small dog, maybe it's her knee cap - in smaller breeds they can swing out of place off to the sides. Hurts for a bit until it pops back into place.

alliebaba7 8
chubby_choco 17

XD FYL, but at the same time, your dog is my freaking hero.