By karmaiguess - 18/10/2018 03:00

Today, I saw the guy I bullied during elementary school and tried to apologize to him. Instead, he took out a knife and stabbed me. I'm currently in the ER. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 370
You deserved it 5 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

(0000000000000000000000) 9

Bullying is damaging no matter how small or insignificant. While trying to apologize is an admirable thing to do and I praise you for it, it won't erase the days of pain that the victim has gone through. I'm hoping that you're safe and healing with the support of family and friends. And I hope that your attacker gets caught by the authorities and is given the help that they need.

thank you for apologizing. that took guts. get better soon


(0000000000000000000000) 9

Bullying is damaging no matter how small or insignificant. While trying to apologize is an admirable thing to do and I praise you for it, it won't erase the days of pain that the victim has gone through. I'm hoping that you're safe and healing with the support of family and friends. And I hope that your attacker gets caught by the authorities and is given the help that they need.

Right. I am hard of hearing and always has been bullied here and there all my life. Some did apologized me, great! Thank you! but, the damaged has been done.

I'm hard of hearing as "favorite" one is where they yell "What!" and actually think they are funny when they do it.

thank you for apologizing. that took guts. get better soon

It did take guts. Guys they nearly lost!

jsikes 8

I don’t think you understood the joke

I honestly didnt mean it as a joke. I wish I'd thought of it

Were you never a victim of a bully yourself? This guy now knows how much harm it caused his victim. He got stabbed once, which probably doesn't come close to being equal to the pain his victim suffered at his hands. Admittedly, most of us on the victim side of bullying don't get our payback that way, but when someone else makes your life a living hell, and you have no way to stop it, you inevitably find yourself wondering whether you should hurt your bully, or kill yourself in order to escape it.

I'm pretty sure getting stabbed is a lot more painful than elementary school bullying. You know, considering you can actually die from that.

Mathalamus 24

If you bullied someone so badly that his first instinct is to stab you... you deserve it

While I commend you for trying to apologize to him, I just have to ask, did you run into him at a public place with bystanders around, or in an isolated area? If the latter, that wasn't wise on your part to try making amends with him right then and there because of the chance that maybe he became a psychopath when he grew up, which we can clearly see was the case. Unless he happens to be a psychopath that doesn't care about bystanders.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Maybe you can throw it in the microwave for a bit.

tapdancecolumbia 14

No one "deserves" to get stabbed, especially when that person is aware that what they did was wrong and was trying to say as much and apologise.

ohsnapword 21

You obviously have never been bullied. I would love nothing more than to nuke my bullies from orbit.

Lua96 6

I have been bullied. I might still be somewhat messed up as a result. And yeah, I was really pissed at my bullies. But, strangely, I still don't think someone deserves to be STABBED, for any reason except self-defense. It's okay to be angry. It's okay to decide the apology doesn't mean shit. It's okay to not forgive, and to not want to have anything to do with your former bully. It's not okay to try to kill them.

Sad_Happy_Gorl 7

OP bullied him in ELEMENTARY school. They were between the ages of 5-11. Would you stab an 11 year old? Doesn’t matter that OP is an adult now, the actions were done when they were a kid.

Well don’t press charges just call it even

It was absolutely in no way okay for him to stab you, of course. I hope you recover quickly. That said, while recovering, please reflect. And realize that while your wounds will heal with sutures and a bit of time, wounds from bullying can leave lasting lifelong wounds that don't heal properly. Obviously, only you and he know the extent to which you bullied him. Hopefully you're not the sole or initial reason for him being in the state he's in. It's evident whatever you did to him did have a profound impact. No sugar coating that. Regardless if your actions solely lead to him spiraling to this point, or if other factors were at play, I hope he gets the help he needs. Perhaps, instead of prosecuting him, and him serving jail time, getting into a worse spot in life, and harboring more anger toward you, you could ask that he be connected to resources/required to go through therapy or something. Best to you both.