By Anonymous - 08/05/2018 19:00

Today, I went to a cute frog-themed frozen yogurt shop that was surprisingly realistic. So realistic, in fact, that there was a dead fly in my yogurt. I found it with my tongue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 775
You deserved it 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MannyWasHere 12

lol, you got too into character

IAmClay 24


At least you found it in a way that fits the theme.

MannyWasHere 12

lol, you got too into character

IAmClay 24

That’s pretty good — live flies would be better, ribbitt!

I can't decide if you should ask for your money back or tip extra for the realism.

You even found it with your tongue just like a real frog!

Sweet Frog sure does live up to its name, where the frogs are so kind, they're willing to share their flies with you.