Gold digger

By itswhateverr - 03/05/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old granddaughter was sitting on my lap, playing with the rings on my fingers. After a moment, she pointed to a gold ring with many jewels and said, "When you die, can I have that one?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 783
You deserved it 4 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sometimes say things like that to my mom but i'm old enough that she knows i'm not entirely serious.. you should give it to her when you die and it'll mean the world to her and she'll remember how she wanted it since she was a little girl

Hahaha that is just too funny. Don't take it too hard, little girls love shiny sparkly things.


tss22h8 0

I wonder if this is the same girl who wanted to know what would happen if both her parents died.

BamxBitch 0

Hahaha! I used to do the same thing to my grandma when I was a kid.

that's ****** up that someone taught her to ask for stuff you should tell her that you'll be buried with all your possessions

Same with #45, it's nothing personal. She's just admiring your jewelry, and wants it. She's not actually wishing you'll die.

Uzumaki_fml 0

You should have bunched her, right in the epidermis.

nooneelse 7

Xex... Little kids at age of 5-9 are big trouble. They never watch their mouth and only think of their own personal gain, well I see it is inevitable to overcome it because I guess it is affection of the modern world. Let's hope that when she will get older she would understand how stupid it was, and never would repeat the same mistake. Keep up, don't worry she is just a kid.

oh the innocence of childhood =] kehe ^^

the fact that grandparents use fml just made my day